• Don't worry not going emo or anything weird like that and def not depressed I mean cmon its winter there are to many things to set fire to (speaking of which I'll have to post my first bonfires of 2008 up on my page!).

    This is just a lil self reflection piece in which I realise that without losing my heart I cannot understand the true value of joy and love. Though I must admit sometimes I'd deny this fact and rather a loveless life than one of heartache and tears. In the end there is nothing one can do but stop and look at their shattered heart lying on the dirty cold ground and kneal down and start to pick up all the itty bitty pieces. Sometimes we are fortunate and someone comes along to help however they can be misguiding and steal some shards that you do not notice and you are left feeling not all there. But for most times it is up to ourselves to glue, stitch, weld, tape or tie our heart back to a somewhat "normal" state. Sure it now has scars and doesnt look exactly the same... and never will but as long as it still beats it'll do. Some people fool themselves thinking time or sex will mend these scars, cover them up... I'm sorry but even plastic surgery is gonna leave a scar or two. All this in mind one would think that this would make one hold onto their heart tighter and refuse to share it with anyone else in fear of it being strewn into tatters once more but no, in fact, one is more willing to give their heart away to another in hope that that person will be able to mend it, make it shine like it once did if not more so. At this point my words seem quite morbid and depressive but alas there is one thing that one has forgotten. Life is never harder than you can handle and sure at the end you may look at your punctured, burnt, stitched, stained, messy pile of blood which now on further examination looks more like a pile of ashes than a heart but there is someone who will think that those ashes are beautiful and are worth loving and you will realise that they look better now than they ever had. Damn now I got too sentimental... oh well, Deal With It!