• I look into the mirror. I look into my eyes. The eyes that have seen so much. The eyes that have changes so much. The eyes that had shed so many tears in the past and will shed more in the future. The eyes that have said so much pain without words being expressed.
    I look in the mirror. I look at my mouth. The mouth that has all my teeth. The mouth that has smiled so much in the past even though inside I was crying. The mouth that has said so many words and the mouth that has said so many goodbyes.
    I look in the mirror. I look at my hands. The hands that have seen alot of blood. The hands that have helped many others. The hands that have felt many hugs, and have let go a many of times. The hands that have helped me fall asleep crying.
    I look in the mirror. I look at my chest. Where my heart is. The heart that has been broken so many times. The heart that has cried out for the longest but is just now being heard. The heart that has been warm and bright for many years but now grows cold and dimn.
    I look in the mirror. I take it all in. The eyes that cry. The mouth that is quiet. The hands that let go. The heart that has gone. Everything, being taken in. All the changes, more bad then good. Everything, that is what I see when I look into the mirror. That is my mirror image