• Oh, me, oh, my. When, oh, when will my knight in shining armor appear? I have been waiting oh so patiently for him to show, but no such luck! What would one have to do in order for her knight to come and rescue her from the cold and dreary? He doesn't need to ride up on a white horse, or even have shining armor! I have standards, yes, but they are not that hard to meet. And, I am terribly sorry, I have no intention of lowering them.

    I suppose I just have been setting myself up for heartbreak by seeing my future with some one, and then... Maybe I am too much of the friend? I mean, I don't really know how to not be a friend and how to be a girlfriend. And still be a friend. Oh, dear, what to do?

    Many of the young men whom I have fancied are the kind of guys who any one would love! They are all sweet and kind and are just fun. And I make myself as clear as possible, without being clear. But a problem then arises. He may have already found his princess, or his harlot (for the day, at least). And I am the one left behind. Never the princess, always the maid.

    For the men whom have seen me, and just don't see me, I would not be trouble. I would die for you, some of you, and I would take care of your every whim. Most of them, at least. I may not be perfect (god knows I am not perfect), but I will make you happy. For, as long as you are there when my castle walls come crashing down around me, I will be happy. As long as you don't mind that your armor will rust from just how many times I will need to cry on your shoulder, I will be happy. And as long as you simply take me for who I am, all of who I am, I will be happy. Please know this. I need no fancy gifts, no flowers every day (though that is nice), none of those things.

    So, my dear knight in shining armor, where are you? Please, your darling princess needs saving from some terrible, horridly disgusting and frightening monsters.