• There was a girl who held onto a string to her lover. . .No matter how many times the line was cut she tied it back together with a smile . . .Hopeing he would grab the string to. . .

    But one day. . . .She frowned. . .And let go of the string. . .Finally she gave up. . .She turned around and walked away. . . 

    He noticed the string was cut and wasent tied together. . .Then he saw her walking away. . .He finally grabed the string. . .

    She cut the string and whispered under her breath "Goodbye.."He tied the string back together. . .

    She untied the string from her. . .He tied the string back on her. . .

    but it was to late she was holding onto another string. . .

    (Btw I dont own the pic so whoever drew the pic awsome job =D)