• another apology blown out of proportion
    sends sour letters of hate gaping from the creases of yellowed paper
    fallen from the eyes of a thousand tears,
    sputtered from the lips of a million lies,
    smothered on the faces of the sinful.
    so catch me now,
    while i'm bleeding my thoughts out on the floor
    like a sacrifice sweeter than the sorry pleas
    that drown in my soul like never before,
    like your dry, devouring heart hungry for more,
    like the breathing of false, flat notes of gore.
    i'm tearing myself to pieces in yesterday's eyes,
    mistake after mistake eating me away.
    i called and kept ringing, but you left me hanging.
    i imagine you forever in this black hole of a heart
    ******** face down on the floor,
    like the prettier girl's diamonds are forever.
    our fate is written in blood on stone
    as i change my hair and bleaken my face,
    as if i could ever be as pretty as her.
    i'm discreetly begging you to stop
    as you continue to push me forward
    as i'm sleeping, clung to my wrists,
    changing me into that unsatisfying, ugly something i'm not.