• Life isn't fun.
    It isn't fun losing your hair,
    only for it to grow back Blue.
    It isn't fun going to a Catholic school with it either.
    "That's not your natural hair colour, redye it to a normal one!"
    I didn't want to, it wouldn't be natural then.

    It isn't fun being so badly injured,
    that you turn into a vegetable-like person.
    It isn't fun being partly taken cared of,
    by the guy who put you in that state.
    "It's part of his sentence." The nurses say;
    maybe his sentence should be to give him what he gave me,
    see how He likes it!

    It isn't fun getting two 8-ball fructures.
    It isn't fun joining a band. Or having loads of girlfriends,
    who just end up cheating on you, with your best mate.Although,
    it is fun seeing seeing your other mate beating him up afterward.

    It isn't fun being beaten by those friends of yours, except the little one,
    who doesn't even know what's going on,
    and finds it amusing because of it.

    It isn't fun having such low confidence,
    that you can't even look at yourself in the mirror,
    without thinking that you're ugly.

    It isn't fun being me,
    being this "2-D"