• My eyes long for the sight of your face,
    My lips imagine the feel of yours.
    But what hurts the most, longing so much,
    My ears thirst for the sound of your voice.
    I cannot imagine,
    A day without you,
    Yet you are gone,
    And I am the victim.
    My eyes burn with the emptiness,
    My lips cannot remember yours.
    And my ears, my fragile ears,
    Crumble from the silence.
    You may not love me at all,
    But have a bit af mercy.
    Without you, I fall into a state of disrepair.
    The silence filling your absence,
    Crushes my ears with it's presence.
    Come back to me, so I won't fall,
    And let me hear the sound of your voice once more.
    To me, the dearest and sweetest sound is your voice,
    Even though all it does is kill me.