• When i look into your eyes i see torment, from years of lies.
    The scourage and suffering from self-inflicting pain.
    you dont talk to anyone like a 1 man army.
    No matter what i do you never notice me,
    like im invisible, a phantom, a faint memory
    You make me feel like im whole when im around ypu
    but the way you blow me off, i feel like a nobody

    so here i stand, with this sharp,blade aimed at my heart
    my vision is obscured by tears
    from years of abuse, and forceful wrongdoing
    i then stab,just a little jab
    i feel my breath being taken away
    as i slowly start to die, i see a shadow,
    as i fall to the floor i hear muttering
    then, i feel something warm around me,
    i open my eyes and see his arms around me
    tears searing down my eyes, trying to stop it
    but his apperance makes the wound deeper
    as my world goes dim i hear these faint words
    the words of the loved the words of the departed
    i concentrate harder and i hear the words " i love,you but why does it have to end like this?!
    my world becomes black as my lifeless body hits the floor