• I think it's when you blame me
    I love it when you do
    It makes me laugh as you
    Fuel my fire

    Dumbass - you feed my ego
    It warms the ice around my heart
    I am heartless
    I love it

    You are pitiful
    I despise the very ground you walk upon
    You are nothing to me
    You blame me?
    Congratulations, you're not the first

    Everything is me
    I am everything
    You are nothing without the addiction that festers within
    Obsession? That is all you have
    Why don't you listen and comprehend what your kin tell you?
    They're right, you are not

    Why do you choose so freely what is not worth the fight?
    My emotions have transposed
    There is nothing you can say
    There is nothing that I will say

    I will put no effort into what I do not believe in
    And that is you

    My face - stone plastered
    My soul - black as the sea
    My heart - solitary, confined in ice
    There is nothing we will say