• Everyone has their special someone,
    But finding mine has yet to be done.

    I'mstill searching for that best friend
    Whom i can hold onto until the end.

    Pain burns my haert like a smoldering fire
    With the knowledge that my soul mate is only a desire.

    It feels as if I walk without a sound,
    And that no one cares if my dreams have been found.

    As i walk unnoticed through the busy halls'
    i could fade into oblivion within the mereciless walls.

    Would any one notice my desperat cries?
    As anonymity cause my soul's demise

    While lonliness implodes me, no one cares to look
    But what, Salvation? In the from of a book?

    As I open the cover with words typed in bold,
    My senses are flooded with smells new and old.

    Adventure consumes me, and my dinner grows cold
    I wait egarly for the story to unfold

    Surrounded by kindred spirits galore
    I turn each page, anxious for more.

    The solitude of my room is more than enough
    With no sound at all, just piles of stuff

    Invisible still I decsend into fantasy
    Though I'm no alone, I have much company.

    From vampires, to wizard, to girls just like me,
    these friends remain close, although no one can see.

    Now I can be alone without feeling forlorn,
    The pieces of my heart, no longer torn

    I'll wait patiently for my companion to come,
    Until then, I have my cherished temporary ones