• things are going through my mind like what is going on?
    but hey what could i say?
    i told u i could hurt you
    like a needle breaking through your skin
    just friends
    i dont get it...
    why cant i just be a woman??
    can i EVER be normal?
    sometimes it sucks to have that effect on people
    cuz it backfires like a boomerang
    rickosheyed after i threw it and it hit me in the head.
    caught between my hard rock and my beautiful hard place
    to have a friend like him and a lover like him... i thought id won the race
    but no...just more heartache...on both sides of the wall
    so take a look at me...so u can see how beautiful u really are
    i dont believe u know...
    yea... i dazzle people
    but a sparkle got caught in my mind
    and shone light on my heart...and then they saw it
    yea im a star... i cant shine bright
    a dull little planet...with a lil shine
    and maybe i can let that light shine on me
    if i could keep a friend and a lover at the same
    and have DIFFRENT love for them each... without there being a game...
    so if he could stay my friend... and him my lover...and i would never pain them
    so watch me die ALONE if i cant get it right...
    my heart has deapened and now has a hole...no one can heal it
    because it is sooo low
    had my heartbroken... it aint fun...with all that pain u feel like youve been stunned
    but please move on my friend...im not WORTH the fight...
    but if u leave...imma go insane.
    so stay my friend forever...and be there if he hurts me... I promise... itll be worth it
    just give me a shoulder to cry on...and be a good friend...
    cuz if u say goodbye...trust me... my life is at an end...and you'd know
    how? how is she serious? because whenever i am...
    i leave you wondering with three dots at the end...