• Reality Never changes

    An Inner Sanctum,
    A Silencing peace...
    A blistering silence...
    an awkward silence,
    all alone again...

    The sun is black beating
    on my back like a devil...
    The sky is filled with plague,
    death surrounds all and children are
    dying all around... All so young,
    innocent blood spilled. All to the masses,
    they are thrown.
    People once friends gnaw on the bones of
    thier companions children,...
    Bittersweet as women are tortured and left alone
    only to be cornered and taken again... Brutalized...

    Agony... Silence... death...

    People pray to nothingness for it to change.
    the likelihood for mans survival is in our hands...
    create or destroy... 2 paths criss cross,
    and become one, a mass... black as night
    red as blood... stained... tainted... serial.

    Inner quiet, thoughts from my mind...
    each echoing like a cavern, equally answering
    questions tossed at the them like a mirror...

    Tuck your children to bed,
    clear from their minds their immanent doom...
    hide for one more day, another lie..
    secret profound, is it truth or fiction?
    Neither... its reality.

    and reality never changes