• love easily touches ones heart..
    and also destroys it within seconds..

    she keeps drowning in sadness..
    but still trying to keep herself calm..

    a silent tear leaves a mark
    on her broken, fragile face..

    a small hand wipes it all away..
    but it is also the same hand..
    that snagged her hurt, wounded heart away..

    powerless, heartless, hurt, and broken..

    how can she trust and love again..
    when no one can can reach up to her heart..
    cuz it is nowhere near a safe haven..

    her heart is in the hands of a man..
    who says he only wishes her happiness..
    if he really cared..
    how could he keep ripping her heart into shreds?

    that's because that man really doesnt..
    and even if he does..why does he just keep letting the loving maiden go?

    he thinks it will save them both..he thinks it will save her..

    but in reality..whenever he does..
    all he does to her is break her..
    not just her heart..but also her soul..