• "Guilt Trip"

    I have on many
    Guilt trips in my 14 years of life
    And they seemed to be pretty painless
    But the last couple felt like my heart
    Was being cut with a steal knife
    And were completely unbearable
    I was depressed, and angry
    Sometimes even a little mouthy
    The cause of this repulsive pain
    Is because I like my guy as a friend
    And I want this crush feeling to end
    I have to lie through my fingers on the keyboard
    Every time I answer his E-Mails
    Typing 'I'm great and nothings wrong'
    But I'm not so great and everything is a mistake
    I feel like I drive a stake
    Further into my heart every time I lie
    People may think this is a stupid reason to throw a fit
    But honestly I'm in an emotional pit
    I can't control my emotions very well and
    When I don't tell the truth
    A dark cloud hangs over my head and rains
    Little drops of guilt
    I want this feeling to go away
    And maybe someday I will be okay

    by Sarah, VampireGirlsRock95