• Down Fall

    Special events are not always special
    Better yet I rather watch a commercial

    Sometimes things can’t go how you planned
    Being too confident will go out of hand

    Pain can hit you very quickly
    And tore it up very savagely

    Working hard from the beginning may help
    But at the end your effort will melt

    Enjoy while you still can
    Before you become sad

    There’s heaven and hell
    Where did I fell?

    Never say never
    Because it will always come back whenever

    Alone in your life has no purpose in living
    So go on and have fun smoking and drinking

    There are a lot of people that dressed up emo
    Most people think they are lame’os.

    People hate me when I lie
    I hope they pray for me to die

    Committing suicide is what I want
    If I die it wouldn’t be my fault

    This poem is about what’s happening in my life
    Hope you enjoy it and live your life without a lie