• Grave visit

    And as i stand there
    looking upon your grave
    thinking only to myself
    "i really wish you were here"
    Matilda Boyd
    I need you
    Things haven't been the same without you
    but you needed to go
    you had things to do
    bigger and better things
    and even though i stand at your grave
    wishing i never grew up
    and you never passed away
    i know it was our path
    our fate
    and i'll always remember you loved me
    and always tried your hardest to make me succumb to happiness
    and i'll always love you
    and inside me there will always remain a tear felt little boyd crying out
    "Gee gee i need you i miss you don't leave me"
    that little boyd cried for three months straight
    broke down
    couldn't go to class
    had to see a shrink
    had to realize
    that his Great Grandmother was never coming back
    but was always with him