• i am in the meadow
    sitting in a peaceful posture
    the weeds are warm
    but the sky is dark
    grey, black stars
    angry coal clouds

    it begins to rain
    leafs fall from
    dead tress
    it is pouring tears

    i look up into the monster
    my face is wet
    my clothes are blown
    by howling winds

    behind me
    not too far
    is my home
    the lights are on
    my family watches me
    from the windows

    my sister is crying
    holding the
    porcelain doll
    with blood red lips
    i gave her
    when i was well

    my mom and dad
    are angry
    too tired of my crap
    to care

    my grandpa
    who had fought
    in many wars
    his foggy blue
    eyes are tearing
    and tearing at
    his old heart

    i think they might
    want me to come
    but it is too late
    for i am not well
    and they simply are