She knows your going...
to a better place.
but she can't imagine...
life without you.
You taught her so much...
almost raised her.
So why do you have to leave now?
What a sad time for her...
and her family.
She wanted you to last...
a lot longer.
Please don't leave she says.
I'll miss you too much.
She cries every night...
What if your gone right now?
She cries again...
yells don't leave me!
She wasn't ready to say
but that's life...
It's hard to say goodbye.

- Title: It's hard to say good bye
- Artist: plip boy
Title: It's Hard To Say Goodbye
Artist: XxChiiLovexX
Description: Can you imagine...
Saying goodbye to someone you love?
It's one of the hardest things...
but that's just the way it is.
You can't hold on to someone forever.
They have to go some point in life.
but this girl has never experienced this before. - Date: 07/21/2009
- Tags: hard good
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