Midget sweatdrop
Intelligent idea
Cruel scream
Rotten cheese_whine
Oblong mrgreen
Arrogant cool
Nerd emo
Geek pirate
Enduring ninja
Loveless rolleyes
31 xd
- by microangel31 |
- Poetry And Lyrics
- | Submitted on 07/23/2009 |
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- Title: microangel31
- Artist: microangel31
- Description: Here's a name poem...for those of you who don't know what that is, it's where you write a name down the side of the page and put a word or phrase for each letter. As you can see, I stayed away from phrases and just used words. I used my username, microangel31...but obviously, I couldn't find anything for 31, so I just put it at the end. Enjoy! And please rate and even comment if you've got specific critiques for me.
- Date: 07/23/2009
- Tags: microangel31 namepoem
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