• Wonderful and blue,
    Everything is wavy and distorted.
    It hurts my sight
    But I don’t care.

    I’m too busy watching
    The people walk by slowly,
    Ignorant of a kid like me.

    Up go all the bubbles
    And so do I when I’m out of breath.
    Take a deep breath
    And dive under fast.

    I go all the way down this time
    I feel the weight of the water
    And it sooths my muscles
    As my arms hold me down to the bottom.

    I just let go of all air
    And let myself float downward.
    I’m holding my breath
    Even though I have none left

    I sit and look around.
    A tap on my shoulder and I turn.
    A friend, a diver just like me.
    He waves and I wave back.
    I mean to be friendly to a fellow diver.

    I point up and we surface.
    'I'm Jessi' I say
    ‘Dante’ he says and we shake wet hands.

    We dive back under and this time
    There’s more than the usual feeling I get
    This time, I look at him and he’s the
    Only thing I see clearly