• I feel sick inside,
    Like I have no power,
    In what is said and done, emo

    I feel like I'm nothing,
    Not even here,
    Invisible to the eye,
    Like an opreative in disguise, ninja

    I want to feel like I'm some one,
    Like I matter,
    That I can make a diffrence,
    Like this world is mine, mrgreen

    I want to feel love,
    Someone butterfly like embrace,
    Their sweet breath close to me,
    That sends my heart racing, heart

    I felt sad,
    Like I was a nothing,
    Just a measly speck on Earth, crying

    I felt nothing,
    Just blankness,
    In the abyss,
    I was alone, burning_eyes

    I have found you,
    The one who holds me so dearly,
    You send my worries away,
    I blush by your very presence, redface

    I have found my purpose,
    I feel important,
    Like I matter,
    Like I'm some one, biggrin

    My purpose?,
    You ask,
    Well the answer,
    It's a secret but I'll tell you, wink

    My purpose is to be with you. 4laugh