• Do you remember,
    When you were young?
    Pretending to be a fairytale,
    To the songs that are sung.
    Everyone was happy,
    And no one died.
    Everything was pure,
    And no one lied.
    Life was just perfect,
    Not one tear shed.
    You felt invisible
    And never needed the bed.
    When you're stuck inside
    Because it rains,
    You have nothing to do
    Except look through window panes.
    Wishing once more
    To play with a stick,
    Or making a chain
    From the daisies you pick.
    Climbing trees,
    Chasing a butterfly,
    Having an adventure,
    And making mud pie.
    Do you remember,
    When you were a child?
    Making up games
    And just being wild.