• We are so comfortable here
    All alone on the rooftops
    the land is sacred here in spite of your claim
    sweet and happy(comes crashing down)
    tremors shake us(freaking out)
    mushroom cloud fantasies
    we have to pretend not to hear it
    It makes such a terrible sound
    as the tanks roll into town
    It is a siren singing you to shipwreck(a walking disaster)
    kill the sound(remove backbone)
    close your eyes
    they eat each other
    (it will be over soon)
    (don't look)don't get happy
    hiding in the pitchdark
    this dance is like a weapon
    self defense guess the present
    keep an eye out(I just want to run and hide)
    the earth shifts and changes so nice so safe
    crunching grinding noises repeating overoverover
    (moderate doses of fear)
    trees getting sucked under and spit out
    giant razors shave the planet clean
    We shall now amputate,contort,twist
    sick and sick and sick
    the edges are sawn off(drowning in decadence)
    (I have been uprooted)
    snapped cracked popped
    birds thrown around
    machine gun factories(feel skinned alive)
    heads on sticks(limb by limb)
    severe limitations(tooth by tooth)
    go away, no more (please)
    honeysweet so full of sleep
    legs ripped and snapped open
    we are green and lonely
    we plants are happy plants
    We were happy

    while you make pretty speeches
    I am being cut to shreds
    you feed me to the lions
    a delicate balance
    I am living in cloud cuckoo land
    I am not going back
    dressed in bishops robes terrifies me still
    children taught to kill
    tear themselves to bits
    on playing fields in distant landscapes