• i have realised the end of one of my hopes today i was looking at my onne chan's blog on myspace and seeing it i thought "the Ryu-kun i knew i gone he has gone to grow up and left me behind" i know he has not met me in this life yet but i had hoped one day we could meet and i could say to him "onee chan though we've been apart for so long i still remebered you in this life and missed you i love you onee chan" but now my beloved onne chan has a wife and a new baby daughter he mostl likely he doesn't remember me at all even the me who he knew back in that life must have been forgotten and perhaps it is for the best onee chan though i will never forget you i think the time has come for me to let you go i will always love oyu my onee chan but the time has come for me to grow up as well i love you onee chan i miss you but for now we can not meet agian be maybe one day whne we have bth grown into adults we shall meet and i can be by your side again as your sister who you loved though i was not your sister by blood the sister you loved and babied and spoilt though that spoilt kawaii little girl will be gone i will still be your sister forever i love yuo onee chan but for now this is goodbye this is our saiyonara