• My heart aches from your leaving
    My body wants more of your hurt
    My head spins from the trauma coma you left me in
    My skin hates teh lonelyness of only me and my clothes
    I hurt so DONT come back

    My lips long for your exotic contact
    My hair laid dead waiting for the naked touch of your hand
    My chambers yearn for your pressense
    My eyes found but miss being lost in yours
    I want so PLEASE come back

    You've cut my heart with your switchblade tongue
    My wounds have been healed by the harmony of your voice
    My bodys ocean has flowed from my tunnels
    Instead of seaping from my skin onto yours

    Im tired of making teh same confession
    Im tired of the dagger in my soul
    Im tired of the medicine for my depressino
    My life has taken its final toul

    PLEASE come back
    DON'T ever leave
    I say as I cry into my blood stained sleeve