• If only the world could see eye to eye
    And wear eachother's shoes
    If only the ancient Pharos could feel the pain
    Of their whipped slaves
    If only the screaming parents could know
    The fear that races through their children's hearts
    If only the alchaholic could understand
    The lonely tears of his family
    Than the world would be at epace
    But people don look into eachother's eyes
    And into their soul to see their pain
    Because simply, they dont want to. the Pharos whipped and beat their slaves without a single tear
    The fighting parents still rampage on,
    Their children hiding from the sound.
    The Alchoholic still drinks away his pain
    Refusing to une into the breaking news:
    The slaves escaped and never came back, not letting go of their grudge
    The children grew up bitter adn never did learn to trust
    The family had run with their many scars to hide.
    The slaves pass their anger onto their children
    Who wil always discriminate against those who have done nothing
    The children marry and have families of their own,
    The eldest daughter fights with her husband
    Her son hides in his room.
    The youngest son of that scarred little family
    Picks up a bottle at age sixteen and never stops.
    He hits the bottom of the brownish green bottle
    As he watches his family pack their bags.
    If only the world had seen eyes to eye
    Or had the courage to step up and wear someone elses shoes
    If only the pharoes had called off their guards and told them "They are equal."
    If only those parents would stop their yelling atleast for the children's sake.
    If only the alchaholic coudl have but down his bottle for good.
    Than there could be peace.