• I look into the full-length mirror
    I see all of what stares back
    The face is creased with a constant grimace
    The stature is slumped and the hair is wispy
    The ribs clearly visible beneath the tattered shirt

    I look into the funhouse mirror
    I am ashamed of what stares back
    The body too big to fit the clothes it put on
    Ravaged by anorexia and slipping away
    Or something in between, always too something

    I look into the handheld mirror
    I don't want see what stares back
    Expressionless eyes of blotchy nothingness
    Lips thin and emotionless
    Cheeks too pale to ever be pretty

    I look into the surface of the pond
    I barely see what stares back
    A shimmery visage of a maiden, holding emotions in
    Ripples erase the crying picture and I call out
    Wanting to comfort her and she disappears forever

    I look into the fogged up mirror
    I look away from what wants to stare at me
    The prejudiced eyes of my peers
    My soul invisible, I can hear it crying
    I feel watched and judged with the unjustifiable

    I look at the concrete wall
    I try not to imagine what is staring back
    Disapproval in every feature, disdain in every thought
    Disgust in every glare and every motion
    Walking away, not desiring to look at me

    I look into the mirror of memories
    I cry at what I see staring back
    Insides decimated by pain and mangled by panic
    Endless tears shed for words instead of stones
    Insecurity that caused me to shrink into my shell

    I look into the mirror of eyes
    I wonder what they see staring at them
    A hapless mess of thrown together wishes
    A myriad of emotions battling each other
    An unforgiven sin, walking the streets of utopia