• I search within my blackened heart
    For logic, for reason, for things not there
    My instincts tell me to run
    Anything to keep you safe
    And I know this time if I change my mask
    If I leave it all behind
    You'll be lying there broken on the floor
    Bleeding out the life you have
    The blood that's already stained my hands
    I know that if I run this time
    Keep my secrets, keep my lies
    I'll never be able to see you again
    And that's all that even keeps me here
    I try to be strong, try to be good
    But I know when it comes down to who I am
    I'll always be too weak to hold your hand
    I don't want to be the one hurting you
    But no matter where I turn it seems that I am
    If it were just my life at stake in this game
    I'd already have gone, have fled, have surrendered
    But if I leave your life will fade
    And if I stay it does the same
    I can't help but feel as if I'm killing you
    With each minute that passes
    Each day that goes on...