• He built me up;
    He filled me full;
    He made me feel loved;
    He touched me softly;
    He kissed me gently;
    He said the sweetest things;

    He’d ask for a beer and now it was bad;
    He’d ask for another and I new that it would hurt;
    He’d ask for more and I new I was dead;
    He’d ask for one more, and it never came;
    He’d yell and hit;

    I new it was death;

    He’d bet me till my blood coated the floor;
    He left me to die so I did;
    He left me with love, that he took;
    He left me with broses I keep;
    He left me with no care at all;
    He left me in the living room;

    But joined me at heavens gates;
    He’d ask to come in they’d say NO;
    He’d ask if I go in they’d say YES;
    They’d asked him how I died and look down to see;
    They’d ask him again;
    And he cried;

    They’d send him if I didn’t try;
    I asked them if he could come in and all they said was ‘ we make no exceptions, you died at his hand and his foot, and his heart. We make no exemptions’;
    I ask them if I could go with him, but this time he replayed ‘ you died at my hand and my foot and my heart. I wish you not with me more, for I fear I may only hurt you more’;
    So they sent him down, and let me in;

    I’d ask God why I was let in;
    All he replayed was ‘you lived with your helpful hand and worked with your foot and you loved with your heart’;
    I sat there in heaven;
    And smile as I thought;
    That b***h got what he disserved!