• I dare to hold onto my childhood
    Where EVERYTHING was considered good
    This world I that have come to discover
    Full of murderers, killers, wife beaters
    Childhood filled with dreams and superheroes
    Greatest memories fade with aging bestowed
    But i will always remember mi childhood was simpler
    But now everything's all about bein a bachelor
    T.I. said it right about dreams were luxury
    For children, enjoyment instead of agony
    "Mommy mi shoes untied..."
    Instead of "No money for rent..." backslide
    I remember back in mi day wen old folks used to
    tell me... "Dont be so quick to grow up yu fool
    it will be sad wen yu have ta say goodbye..."
    And i must admit i do find it hard to hereby
    renounce my childhood... but i will not let go
    hold onto it steadfast like a angel and his/her halo
    wino and his bottle, to a addict and his needle
    I will not let go... and if people ask i chortle
    No I cannot... i fear the worse if I just do it
    Tho as old as i am it seems to seep out... emits
    From me actin the fool to havin a cartoony smile
    Givin it up is like 5 steps from having finished running the mile
    A big no no/ won't ever happen
    If i do the world will sadden
    because if I did that wud be one less
    who can smile at the world even if it is a mess