• Ok so there was a guy and every night he would bring home a new woman and his parrot would say "somebodies gunna get laid somebodies gunna get laid." so the guy goes out and looks for a guy parrot he couldn't find one so he got a owl that night he got home with another woman and the parrot said "sombodies gunna get laid somebodies gunna get laid." the owl said "who who" the parrot said "not you banjo eyes."

    So when Farrah Fawcet died she went to heaven and god said she had 1 wish and what it was she wished for was that children were safe... an hour later Micheal Jackson dies.

    ok so there is a blonde cop and a blonde driver. The cop pulls the blonde over and says " can i see your drivers liscences" so the blonde goes through her bag and asks " what is a drivers liscences" the cop said " a picture of your self" so the blonde grabs a m,irror and looks at herself and hands it to the cop. The cop then says... " wow you look good."