• Remember the time's we spent in your backyard?
    Your little brother called me your girlfriend once, girlfriend twice...
    And I would secretly under that...
    I had a deep dark secret that the world didn't know...
    That I loved you so...Much...

    And the day's on the football field...
    My brother would tease you that you had a crush on me...
    But secretly under that...
    You had a crush on me and you didn't know that I had a crush on you too...

    I miss you...
    I miss that beautiful smile...
    The swing's we played on are still in the park...
    And the football from when we went to Ibrox is still here...

    I need you back here with me.
    Or my world will come crashing down.
    I have learned to stand on my two feet...
    But I still need you here with me...

    I miss you...
    I miss your brother...
    I'm having flashback's when I'm at the park.
    Were our first kiss took place.

    That day that you left was the worst day of my life...
    I should-a saw it coming...
    I was in denial that you would leave me...
    Then you left with my heart...

    I miss you...
    I love you...
    I would run to Wales just to see you...
    Just come back to me and bring my heart too...