• i smile that of fake skys and gray seas
    i laugh of red clouds that rain only air
    my breath tooken away by eternal night
    no longer mine but that of another being
    my eyes dull my heart filled with holes
    holes of scars, scratches, brusies, and bumps
    the roads bare and no longer black but clear
    there are no more birds in the sky...no wind
    no sound...no rthym...emptyness...no heart beat
    no little child laughing or screaming for her mom
    and yet i smile..i watch you grow with out me
    and there is little life there but just enough
    to taste the exlier of happness and once again
    know what it feels like to be alive inside.

    i watch you feel all there is to be knowen
    secrets, stories,love,life,sounds everything
    you hold out a hand to show me the way
    and yet im rusted from battle after battle
    you grow stronger as i get sicker
    but i'll be there to pull you to shelther
    like a wounded bird in the day

    and so i hide behind a smile of tears
    drowning and yet im happy here