• The Forest

    He walks through the forest
    His feet hit the ground as
    He runs to find his love
    “Oh, where are you my love?”
    He cries, but his cry is
    Short, and weening, he says

    “But where has she gone to?”
    He is angry now, and
    He shouts her name, not cries
    As he takes the axe out
    Of his beloved eyes
    And slowly starts to die

    He sees a raven, dark
    In color and it is
    Eating a poor dead rat
    What is this, the man asks
    That in this dark evil
    Night my beloved dies?

    The forest is growing
    Larger in shape now and
    The sounds of the night come
    To life; evil and loud
    They cut like a knife as
    They take over his mind

    He sees his beloved
    Standing there, bright and is
    Beautiful as ever
    But she speaks no word, and
    Her eyes are black now, they
    Are as black as ravens

    So the man takes out the
    Axe from his darkened eyes
    And kills his beloved
    The noises grow stronger
    In the mans deranged mind
    ‘Tis the devils hour.

    Count the syllables: 6 syllabes in each line
    Count the stanzas: 6 stanzas
    Count the lines in each stanza: 6 lines

    6/6/6 = devils number