• oh mighty sword
    oh mighty bow
    I have won
    victorious foe

    and in the night
    the snow shines clear
    the type rebounds
    on this page here

    sound the bell
    the battle won
    blood lined dress
    out in the sun

    and so naive
    a soul is past
    hide in eve
    or mourn in day

    would ever i
    i can't say

    it is simple
    i don't know
    was it right?
    to be taken over
    so easily

    she fell so fast,
    i fell faster,
    she was reason,
    what was i?

    and without her,
    what am i?
    i hold no standing
    in logic's place

    oh god
    this was not
    the right choice
    she should have won
    what have i done?
    she should have
    she would have

    at this point
    there is no turning back
    through frozen dark
    and lest you fall
    do not
    do not
    you'll regret it all

    it could be worse
    but how is that so?
    when i myself
    destroyed not my foe

    she was not my foe
    for she was i
    so what does that
    make me?

    what is left
    i am, but she,
    she i have slain