• A little voice is screaming
    Inside my head
    But its mute to others
    Or do they pretend?
    But I'm sure I hear it
    It's calling my name
    Telling me not to do it
    My life is in vain
    But what do I do
    When I'm stuck between two?
    So what do I choose?
    The threat that says
    Do as I say
    Or perhaps the little voice inside my head
    That is telling me to stop?
    But why should I pick any?
    Because I won't stop there
    With the options floating in the air
    And its supposedly inside me

    Stop! Stop!
    This is a mistake
    Your doing it all wrong!
    Don't listen to him!
    Don't be drawn in!
    It's like chocolate
    It wants you to come in!

    May I scold the little voice
    For telling me so
    A fact that I already know
    But chocolate is sweet
    And is hard to resist
    So you would know my pain and suffering through this!
    Please, this is childish
    And we both know
    You should go along with it
    It's just a show
    And I know you know
    You will be happier this way
    With no stress or problems in the way
    Believe me, and not the one that will deceive you.

    How do I know
    Your not deceiving me?
    For I am smarter than that you see
    You know the answer already
    So why talk to us?
    Your wasting your time
    Before you die..

    The rest is cut off
    For I DO know the answer
    It was with me all along
    I do love you
    And though I'm not sure its true
    But for now, I really love you
    Hold me close, hold me tight
    I want to be with you forever
    Now if only you'll admit
    To liking her and not me
    Maybe this can be...