• Is life as sweet as we mean it to be?
    Is life as hateful as we make it out?
    Is it as pure?
    Is it as dark?

    Can you see the blue skies?
    Reflecting through the clear waters
    Or does the rain cloud your vision?
    Just like mine
    Can you stand up straight even with gravity pushing you down?
    Or laugh when theres nothing funny?
    Can you frown knowing it takes less muscles to smile?
    Can you cry knowing at the end of the road is a rainbow?

    Life isn't perfect
    Nor is it always fair
    But life is what gives us spirit
    Gives us love
    And hate
    But to truly enjoy whats rightfully ours
    We need a little help along the way
    Another hand to hold
    Another body to cry on
    Another soul to fill the void
    Another being you can call your own
    Your lover
    Your enemy
    Your best friend
    Your soulmate
    Your the yin
    Thier your yang
    And life just seems that much more worth it.