• Silence befalls with no words to speak
    The awkwardness is visible
    And though no sound is made
    You can hear the tension
    Because this isn't the conversation we would have
    We would of said, 'Hello, how are you'
    And all the basics too
    But how does the conversation turn to words
    That are stronger than me
    Though they are few
    The meaning is deep
    So how could you say
    "I think I love you"
    When we went down that path?
    Ended in tears and joy
    It could of lasted
    But I can promise you very few..
    I still love you
    I would never forget
    What we had
    Because it was special to me
    Special to you
    But by doing this are we hurting ourselves
    As we did once before?
    Or are we growing in life
    Ready to walk through that door?
    But if there is another
    That feels as you do
    But I love you both
    What am I to do?
    The feeling that lingers
    Is cold and sad
    It feels just like
    Another rainy night

    Your love fell on me once
    And I loved that rain
    I danced around in
    And may have stepped on puddles of you
    But it all worked out too
    So why does my heart
    Feel like glass?
    Shattered and scattered
    And cannot be picked up
    For when you try to pick it up
    And put it together again to make it whole
    You cut yourself, your feelings bleed
    So my heart is like glass
    Cannot be replaced
    One of a kind, you had a place
    So whats the point of breaking it all?
    Don't leave me here after saying those words
    Can't tell you the truth or the pain
    Because love is just cruel
    But so sweet too
    How can this possibly be?
    My mind says what if?
    My soul says it's a risk
    But my heart has no opinion
    Leaving it up to me
    So here I stand
    Once more again
    I'm used to it for
    It's just one of those
    Another Rainy Night