• Why am I such a fool
    Falling for someone I shouldn't
    Putting myself through pain
    Pain I shouldn't have to feel
    I do whatever I can for her
    All because I love her
    Why am I never noticed
    Always pushed to the background
    As just a friend or too good of a friend
    I'm never more then a friend
    Why can't one girl see me
    As more then “just a friend”
    Why cant she see me here
    Truly dedicated to her
    As more then a friend
    For when I love someone
    I love them deeply
    And they become the only one
    The only one I want
    I wish her to be happy
    But god how I wish
    It was me she is happy with
    I relize now why I can't find
    Another girl to have as more
    I am just a hopeless fool
    with a hopeless heart