• Many people say that we try to save the world
    We try to fake like we care
    But deep down inside we know the truth
    We try to say that we are breeding life
    But what if you gave the vegetation a voice
    Would they say the same
    Or would they say we are breeding death
    The more humans there are
    The more homes we will need
    You can’t be that uneducated not to do the math
    More homes, less space…
    Then we’ll do what we’ve been doing for years
    Cut down trees and level forests
    Then what would that do in the long run
    Destroy animals homes and pollute the areas
    What if someone tore down your home
    And you couldn’t do anything about it
    How would you feel
    Worthless and weak
    We have to learn
    We have to respect
    We have to understand
    So next time you want to go hunting think
    What if that was me getting shot to be eaten
    Or stuffed on a wall
    And next time you are going to do construction
    What am I really doing
    For a material created by the government
    Respect that’s all it is