• I see my party
    Scattered all around me.
    The dark dragon lord
    Laughs in victorious glee,

    I walk, I limp
    Towards my unconscious comrades,
    Gathering them in retreat.
    And soon the laughter fades.

    Everyone wakes...
    But one...
    A life long friend is now gone.
    There's a hole in the chest,
    Where the dragons tail
    Stabbed through.

    Now all alone, sitting
    Away from my party and
    Their fire.
    I sit in thought...
    "It's my fault, my
    Fault that she's gone."
    "I shouldn't have them
    Climb this tower with me."
    "I'm sorry, father, I failed
    To regain your honor.
    Perhaps I too ran away..."

    Looking over my shoulder I see
    Them trying to cheer each other up...
    In vain...
    My thoughts keep pouring in
    Like rain from the darkest cloud,
    Seeping into the ground.

    "Why must this happen?
    What can be done now?"
    I change my view to down
    In front of me.
    "A hundred floors up,
    No escaping this tower,
    Not anymore."

    Krylins fly by the opening.

    I hear a familiar voice.
    Searching for it,
    No luck.
    The voice continues,
    "Why...why did you decide
    To climb the tower?"

    I pull my knees to my chest
    And rests my head,
    With no response,
    Trying to ignore the question.

    A young girl of twenty, dead from years past,
    Appears before me.
    The voice sounding like it comes from her.
    She continues,
    "Why brother? What were you hoping
    To gain?"

    Words form in my mind
    And slip off my tongue in reply.
    I wanted to prove to our village and myself,
    That father didn't run away
    In those hard times.
    But tried to find a way to help.
    I wanted to be a hero...but
    Now I realize that I'm a fool."

    Kneeling beside me,
    Wrapping her gentle,
    Comforting arms around
    My shoulders.
    She gives off a cheerful but
    Concerned look, as though telling me
    That was the wrong answer.
    "Think deep inside yourself brother,
    And answer not to me, but yourself."

    Eyes close, I relax,
    Letting my mind flow.
    I remember a vow, to help my
    First member to the top.
    The harsh, troubled times
    My party and I barely got through.
    The thought of a friend die
    Races through.

    The true answer came.
    "I want...to be a shield...
    A single sturdy shield
    So I can protect my friends
    And those I care."

    Kaiya, my sister, hugs me tightly.
    "Thanks Kai, I know now."
    She smiles and kisses my forehead
    Before disappearing again.

    Standing now above my friends,
    Huddled around the blazing fire.
    Looking each of them in thier eyes,
    Getting their attention.
    A cloud drifts by,
    Darkening my face, where
    It was lit by sunlight.

    "Friends, for the longest time
    I thought I was climbing this tower
    For my fathers sake. But now
    I understand that I'm here to
    Protect you like my shield protects me."

    Everyone's head perked up to listen.
    "I have trained to be a guardian,
    Not what I thought to be a hero.
    I have lost the path of guardians'
    And thanks to you, I have found it again!
    Together, we can beat Kririx,
    That dark dragon lord.
    Together, we can reach the top floor!"
    Thrusting my arm skyward,
    The party cheers with
    New determination.

    The dragon laughs again,
    Shaking the still ground.
    Another team must have
    Retreated or died.
    The cries of agony pierces our hearts.

    One cry hurted the most.
    "Dreal!" Is all I heard.
    I look across the floor and see
    My brother fall.