• When you walk past me
    I feel as if my worries were gone
    Its like you said hello
    And started my day

    I see you at lunch
    Sitting with your friends
    Look over my way
    So I blush and turn away

    You send me a silent hello
    So I know you see me
    I'm not just a friend
    But a Silent girlfriend

    I know you might think
    How crazy I am
    To think that someone like you
    Could love me like I love you

    Sometimes I feel all warm inside
    When you pass by
    Sending me a silent kiss
    that only we can see

    I give you my heart
    You give me yours
    and nothing more

    I do not need a person to know
    about are silent hellos
    All I need to know is that I'm in your heart
    as you are in mine

    That's all you need to give and nothing more
    I love you more than roses
    You love me more than violets
    Our love is silent

    And that's the way I like it.