• Never again. Never again. Never again. The repetitiveness of thoughts determined to make the standing tumble, the praying swear, and the falling crash. The repetitiveness now becoming a starting point for something that started to finish and never start again, never go again, never say again. Never again. Never will pain be infused with wishful thinking. Never again will tears be wept for the infant who never had the chance to say never again or for the child who says never again because they couldn't say never again. Never again... a thought so controversial the crashing fall, the praying swear, but the sinking stay afloat. An option so depressing Thoughts run to the ends of sanity and back and never reach a point of happiness nor satisfaction. Never again. Never again. Never again. The repetition extending hope of Revelation soon to come for the body of one who's thoughts were rampaged by a wish...never again. Never again will tears be shed for children who never had the chance to experience the pain leading to the thoughts of never again. Never again will tears be wept for the girl who didn't have the strength to tell her daddy never again. And now the every day people say never again hoping to never again be able to say never again. All signs to the worlds end, but maybe then the suicidal thoughts thoughts will end. Maybe she'll put the razor down and never again say never again.