• Dedicated to: Lenna

    The snowflakes fall gently on your hair
    Your beautiful smile makes the air lighter
    You spin in a circle
    And fall to the ground
    I rush over to help you
    But find you
    Making a snow angel

    I help you up
    So your hands don't leave prints
    We look at your snow angel
    "Look," I say
    "It's you."

    You look down at yourself,
    A beautiful, perfect
    And smile back at me

    "Yes, I suppose it is," you say.
    We take off our hats
    And throw them into the air
    And imagined that they were
    Drifting back down
    Toward us

    "Let's run," you say
    I chase after you
    As you run toward the house
    And snowflakes followed you
    Because snowflakes
    Follow beautiful
    Like you

    You are an angel
    And you always will be
    Don't let yourself fall
    Into a deep, dark

    Instead, come
    And and play with me
    In the swirling
    Where happiness
    Is always
    Filling the hearts of
    Like you

    -Forever your cousin and supporter, Leigh Ann