• Can you see me?
    Can you hear me?
    Screaming in your face?
    I've nothing to hide,
    Nothing at all,
    so why don't you take a look?
    I'm broken, dying,
    screaming and crying,
    and do you give a damn?
    No, you live your life,
    and grouch and complain,
    and think that no one has
    bigger problems than you...
    And as much as I yell,
    and scream, and beg,
    you still don't hear me,
    can't see me, or feel my pain.
    But when you finally realize my pain,
    can you look me in the eye?
    Can you look at my face
    and try to understand that pain?
    No, you fall back on
    your petty worries,
    about your perfect life,
    with your perfect family,
    and you pretend
    not to see my pain.
    It's easier to ignore it
    than deal with it, right?
    Easier to think that
    I'm fine than to realize that it's
    your fault I'm upset,
    that every tear I cry
    is because of you.
    And yeah, it's hard,
    and yeah, it hurts,
    but you know what?
    I admit it, acknowledge it,
    and even embrace it,
    because it welcomes me
    more than you ever did.