• A simple gesture
    A simple touch
    Leads to tears
    You hold my hand
    Lay your head on mine
    And kiss my hand in secret
    You do not look at my face
    As tears burn at my eyes
    You do not sit next to me
    But behind me
    I wished I pulled my hand away
    I wished I could have told you know
    I wished I could have run away
    How many times I’ve wanted to run
    So many times I’ve sat and let you hurt me
    I’ve wanted to hate you
    I’ve want to so badly to hate you
    But all I do is fall again
    Every time I try to run away from you
    I fall back for you
    Every night
    I cry
    Every day
    I smile
    I wish I’d run
    I wish I’d get over you
    I don’t think I can