• Poor poor Danny,
    Never stood a chance.
    In all the poor boys years,
    He always lost to Lance.

    Danny always runner up,
    In all of Lances days.
    Lance always took first,
    Poor Danny in a daze.

    One day Danny found a girl,
    And she appealed to Lances eyes.
    Danny tried to keep Lance away,
    But the girl wanted both guys.

    So she played them very well,
    Neither had a clue.
    The day Danny found out,
    You'd never guess what he would do.

    Danny found himself a gun,
    And got dear old Lance.
    Unfortunately for him,
    Today he lost his chance.

    When Danny grabbed his gun,
    Lance was quite perplexed.
    Now im sure you know,
    Just what happens next.

    Danny pulled the trigger,
    Lances head was blown away.
    When the girl burst through the door,
    She wanted it this way.

    She figured their love could grow,
    Because Lance was not around.
    But when she mentioned it to Danny,
    He didn't make a sound.

    He stood there and thought,
    About what he had just done.
    He decided life was not worth living,
    And again he grabbed his gun.

    He held it up to his head,
    And slowly said "I'm sorry".
    He began to squeeze the trigger one more time,
    As he said "I love you, Lauri."

    The girl sat there for a moment,
    And pondered what Danny said.
    She figured that she'd see him again,
    If she put the gun to her head.

    The gun was shot one last time,
    And now the three are dead.
    The was a big mess everywhere,
    From where all of them had bled.

    Danny lived in Lances shadow,
    Never got to try.
    Buts as fa as Danny was concerned,
    Lance Deserved to die.

    Lance used to be invincible,
    Just like a knight with armor.
    The best thing to say would be,
    That Lance was just a charmer.

    Lauri on the other hand,
    Should have changed her ways.
    Or if not that, then picked her guys better,
    Especially the ones she plays.