• I have a burning down in me
    It is close to erupting
    This feeling is driving me insane
    I cant walk with out tripping on my own two feet
    I see you with your friends
    Then this feeling comes back, but with a vengeance
    It hits me even harder when you walk up to me
    Smile across your face
    Blush around my cheeks
    You reach for my hand
    I reach for yours
    You whisper in my ear
    You are My only DESIRE
    I smile and embrace your words
    Then you embrace my feeling
    I know you are Also my only DESIRE
    As we sit and hug
    This Feeling blooms into a new feeling
    A more softer and sweeter Feeling
    But As the bell rings for class
    The first feeling comes back and sits and waits in my chest cavity
    Don't Worry class will be over fast, You tell me
    I sit and wait till i hear the bell then i turn to see
    You waiting for me
    Never Leaving
    Me feeling the second feeling
    This must be LOVE