• We wait by the fire whispering about what we will see
    We vow to not fall asleep

    But as the hours tick away
    Our determination sways

    Our eyes start to close
    But then we hear the “Ho ho ho’s”

    We realize that it was not old Saint Nick after all
    As the snow continues to fall

    We hear footsteps coming down the stairs
    Then we develop a new fear

    We think of the old song that we used to sing
    About how he knows when we’re sleeping

    We race up the stairs
    When we hear the all clear

    We sigh as think about what’s to come
    When Santa Claus is finally done

    When we open our eyes the next day
    We hear the last neighs

    We then suddenly know
    That we forgot to bake the cookie dough

    But Santa being nice
    Had delivered the presents all right

    When we got downstairs and opened the letter
    He said no cookies were all for the better

    Rudolph would have eaten all of them anyway
    And would not want his hay

    This is the funniest we have heard
    We thought about giving Rudolph a stern word

    We decided that we should not
    Best Rudolph wasn’t caught

    We think about the year coming
    And we don’t want to behave unbecoming

    And we said with a slight lisp
    Have a very Merry Christmas