• Why...
    Did I have to fall in love with you?
    Why did you have to look at me with those two eyes?
    Would I be better off without your affection?
    Or would I just fall and be another correction?
    A correction to our mistakes
    Of not saying what we want to say
    I know its hard to know someones there
    But if you can show me you really care
    Then maybe I could
    Maybe I will
    Break it off with them
    Just for you
    I know I care more than a little
    Your eyes meet mine
    And I hear a bell
    With a voice in my head
    Warming my face
    Screaming, run away
    Don't look back
    But the burn feels good
    Keep looking that way

    You touch my shoulder gently
    As though I'm fragile as glass
    Your right, I am
    Keep whispering in my ear
    And I'm sure to fall
    If you catch me I'll stop
    Don't, I'll break
    Am I ready for another one
    When it ended weeks back?
    To know I love someone
    That isn't you
    But I still love you
    I do, I do
    I just want to hold you
    Say you love me too...

    Ignore the other
    I'm not sure if it was true
    But I know I love you
    Sadly, its true
    Why is it you
    Whom I've fallen for?
    I've entrusted my glass heart to you
    Handle with care
    Don't you dare
    Try to drop it and break it
    And send pieces flying in the air
    My heart is yours
    Will you accept it too?
    Too many people know
    Almost everyone but you
    Why is it you
    The one who makes me laugh?
    The fact that you like me at all
    Is enough for me.